When contacting us for a quotation, please have the following information ready:
Contact name
- Email address & phone contact
Business Name
Site Address
- Dimensions of area to be screeded (floor area & depth of screed required)
Brief project description,i.e. new build, extension, renovation, UFH system
Any Specific details required, i.e. piping through a house, over walls, anything above ground level (first floors etc.)
What is expected from the customer:
To please supply cement (quantity to be specified by us at time of booking, dependant on volume of concrete to be pumped) for grouting the line
To provide an area for wash out at the end of the pour
Site Protocol – What to expect when we arrive
When the pump arrives on site, the operator will discuss with the customer/site contact, set up requirements and optimum positioning for the pump
The operator will then proceed to position the pump and set up the pipelines
The operator will prepare the grout and grout the line ready to pump the concrete
When the concrete wagon arrives, the driver will back onto the pump and begin to deposit the concrete into the hopper at which point the operator will begin to pump it
The pump operator will operate the pump while on site operatives (unless otherwise arranged) direct and move the delivery hose into required position *Please see 'Site Safety Information' for associated risks and risk prevention when using the concrete pump and manoeuvring the delivery hose as high pressures are utilised in its operation
When the concrete wagons have finished delivering and all materials have been pumped, the operator will proceed to clean all the concrete from the hopper and pipelines
When all cleaning is completed and all pipes and equipment reloaded on to the pump wagon ready for transport, the operator will then prepare the worksheet, completed with hours on site, for the customer/site contact to sign
The pump operator will then return to base or continue to the next job