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Liquid Screed: What To Consider & How To Avoid Any Mistakes

Posted by Erin Hughes on Tuesday, February 17, 2015, In : Liquid Screed 

Installing liquid screed is a great option for projects which require a smooth and high-quality floor finish. It’s also suitable for many different environments such as, commercial, industrial and residential. However, ensuring it is installed correctly to avoid any screed failures is very important. Screeds provide a vital layer in a floor that bonds the finish that people see and walk across, to the concrete substrate of the building’s structure. If properly applied and maintained the...

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Benefits of Our Concrete Services!

Posted by Erin Hughes on Tuesday, January 6, 2015, In : Liquid Screed 

Pump It Concrete offer a number of high-quality services for both commercial and industrial work. No project is too big or small for us! Whether your project is in the Public or Private sector, it doesn’t matter to us, we want to help.

Although all our services on offer are great, we want to provide you with an insight of the benefits each one holds. This will help inform your decision as to which service you may like to book with us. If you have any further enquiries, please don’t hesita...

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Do You Need Concrete Pump Hire?

Posted by Erin Hughes on Tuesday, November 25, 2014, In : Concrete Pumping 

Concrete is a highly versatile material that has been around for decades and for good reason. After all, skycrapers wouldn’t be built with concrete at their foundations if it wasn’t up to the job - concrete could even be up to the job that you’re after.

The composition of concrete might be slightly unrefined but don’t let that take away from its excellent properties. In just a short space of time, concrete can go from a sludge-like substance to a fully-formed flooring that can stand th...

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Liquid Screed: What is it?

Posted by Erin Hughes on Tuesday, September 23, 2014, In : Liquid Screed 
liquid screed
Many businesses across the Northern regions have benefitted from our excellent liquid screed services as it’s one of the most versatile and reliable materials currently being used in construction. But what’s the big appeal and why is it something you too should be checking out?

Thanks to a fascinating composition which consists primarily of water-based solutions, liquid screed is a highly adaptive material that is easier to pump. When you compare this to standard concrete, you might notice...

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Concrete Pumping by Region: Pump It Can Provide

Posted by Erin Hughes on Tuesday, June 24, 2014, In : Concrete Pumping 

As one of the foremost in what we do throughout the local area, we here at Pump It Ltd value delivering the same quality service wherever we do business. This helps us to provide solutions to concrete pumping in Chester, Liverpool and North Wales amongst others.

For many years, we have been endeavouring to provide a high level of customer rapport and finished product, no matter how big or small the customer is. Whether it’s a personal project for a homeowner or a large-scale development for ...
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How is concrete made?

Posted by Erin Hughes on Tuesday, May 6, 2014, In : Concrete Pumping 

As one of the most durable material mixtures in the world, concrete has become utilised worldwide for many applications but we mainly associate it with buildings and construction projects and for good reason.

At its essence, concrete is a mix of paste, aggregates and/or rocks which gives it many dimensions of strength. By consisting of cement and water, the paste is excellent at covering coarse aggregates and upon hydration reaction, the paste will become solid and eventually what we know as c...

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Pump It Ltd delivers Liquid Screed in North Wales and beyond

Posted by Erin Hughes on Wednesday, April 16, 2014, In : Liquid Screed 

Do you have a need to use liquid screed in North Wales building projects for either commercial or personal interests but need to find the experts to lend you a helping hand? Then Pump It could be just right for you.

For years now, we have been excelling at providing high quality concrete pumping services and remain one of the top companies in the north for it. Whatever the size or scale of your operation, we are here to assist.

As one of the regional forerunners, Pump It have been able to expan...

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Good Practice Concrete Pumping Definitions

Posted by Erin Hughes on Thursday, February 27, 2014, In : Concrete Pumping 
2.0 Definitions For the purposes of this Good Practice Guide, the following definitions apply:-

additive - a material which is added to concrete to change the properties of the mix

ball catcher - a device fitted to the delivery end of a pipeline designed to catch the sponge rubber device used for cleaning the pipeline

banksman - a person who has had training to give directions to the operator of a vehicle mounted concrete pump during manoeuvring of the vehicle on site, by a...
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Why Choose Our Liquid Screed Services in North Wales?

Posted by Erin Hughes on Thursday, January 30, 2014, In : Concrete Pumping 
A form of surface material which is fast becoming highly sought after throughout the area, liquid screed services in North Wales are on the rise and it’s no wonder when you compare and contrast it to conventional cement methods. So, what are some of the ways in which liquid screed is better for your business?


As liquid screed is compact and easy, you can process much more volume per day and almost 20 times as much as cement. The screed can fill up to 2000m2 which is far superio...
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The Benefits of Concrete Pumping North Wales

Posted by Erin Hughes on Tuesday, December 3, 2013,
Concrete pumping North Wales has had a positive impact on the construction industry in the area and in all places it is utilised.

What is concrete pumping and how does it improve efficiency in construction projects?
Concrete pumping is a technique of transporting liquid concrete quickly to the places it needs to be using the latest technology in the industry, specifically ‘boom pumps’ and ‘line pumps’.

Almost all structures in the modern world require a certain amount of concrete in...
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About Me

Mr Pump It I'm the owner and operator of Pump It Floor Screeds, and have over 25 years experience in the construction industry. I've decided to keep a blog of all the different places I go, and jobs I do......mostly because I can't remember where I was yesterday!!